Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Saturday 8:00 AM from Buhl Park

Got to go, rain or shine as I need miles in saddle for MS ride. We'll leave by 8:15, see this link for route: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=185854. We can do 4o or 50 miles, easy pace, stopping at 25, 35 again at 45 or when ever. Bring some food, money for food, at least one extra tube, 2 is better. Pace will be 13-15, anybody wants to go faster, go, anybody wants to go slower, we'll wait, won't loose anybody. This is a flat ride, and I do mean flat. Next Saturday, we ride some hills, again, need to get 50 +.
We meet in the parking lot across from the Country Club. That entrance is always open, though the other park entrances open at 8:00. If you're not there by 8:15, see ya next week, or print out route and catch us.
Any questions, email or call me.



j-mac said...


nice to see you using technology in a more wholesome way.

Harmsway said...

that is a great post Jay, however i am wondering how good an idea is it that you post your phone number on the internet? i know that in the past a few people have been known to make random phone calls late at night to harrass people. I know that it is your perogative and you are probably not going to get that from these types of people, i just thought that I would throw that out there....ya know Terrorism and all? May the weather be on your side.


Jay C said...

J-Mac and Harm;

Thanks for the props. Understand about Phone concerns, it's my cell, and it's turned off after 5:00 PM.
Have a good ride this evening, maybe we'll cross paths some Saturday. Let's compare notes on cool coffee shops along the routes.

Peace, Love and Rock & Roll