Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Calling all 2WFs!! For the month of July The Bicycle Store of Hermitage is going to be running a Tour Mania to kick off the Tour de France and they have asked us if we'd like to participate by starting some of our rides out from their shop. SO, for the month of July, our Saturday and Tuesday rides will begin and end at the Bicycle Store. See their link below for directions and info on the event.

On Saturday, July 8th they are going to be having a tent with some 'French' foods and are inviting a few other vendors to stop in, so there will be a little reward for those riding the early morning Crack of Dawn ride starting at 6:30am.

I would really like to get a good turnout for this Tour Mania and support our local bike shop. Mike and Debbie have a blurb on their site in support of us and i'd like to return the favor.

Phone: 724-342-2031, Fax: 724-342-2031
Store Hours: M 12-7, T-F 10-7, S 10-4, Closed Sunday

Viva la 2WFs


1 comment:

Harmsway said...

WHOO-AHH!!! Lets see how many people we can get out there for all these rides in hopes to get more people to come and join us on our rides to enhance all aspects of our riding group. This is a great opportunity to expose ourselves (nicely) to the rest of the community, to allow the possibility of others to see us and possibly join our common interest.