Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Jimmy Buffet Juvenile Diabetes Benefit!!!


I've heard Cross's talk on Everest -- truly inspiring. If the food and beer aren't alluring enough, this guy should make up your mind for you.

To all who are interested....We will be having our 2nd annual "Jimmy Buffett" juvenile diabetes benefit bash at the Shriners on lamor road in Hermitage, on July 15th , 5:00PM. All you can eat, chicken, lamb, pork, all you can drink beer, entertainment, a steel drum band, DJ, acoustic guitarist, chinese auction and a motivational speach by Will Cross, juvenile diabete who hiked Mt. Everest and more. We would love to see all our friends here at this benefit and help find a cure for juvenile diabetes!!!!! A guarenteed great time. To RSVP your tickets call me 724-962-0881 or email me by Wednesday the 5th. IF you sold tickets, please email me on how many you sold! Hope to see you there.

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