Friday, September 08, 2006

"The Dead Season"

Howdy All...! Just thought it would be nice to see a new addition here on the home of the wheel'd soldiers. It is that time of year when the desire to get out and ride begins to fade. The temp drops and the darkness falls. The hardcore become the norm and the norm fall victim to society. Leaves will die soon and become a nuissance to many and a cushion to others. Soon the snow will fall and push all to the good "Dr. Suess". Why I dont know, it just sounded good in my head. All these things bring about for some of us the desire to add some spice to our cycling efforts. Some of us may resort to indoor activities and others will tough it out.

The reason that I wanted to get this out to everyone is that there are rides that are still going on throughout the tuff times of the season. If you do not know, this is the time of the year (opposite spring) when Mountain Bikers flourish. It is almost as if they are reborn in the fall and spring. You see in the middle of the summer the woods tend to be hot. As you may guess the lack of moving air through the woods results in some pretty ugly riding conditions. So with a lack of heat the temps in the woods at this time of the year, it becomes almsot absolutely perfect for that type of riding.

We (our lil group of singletrack-minds) have been hitting the trails pretty consistently on the weekends here for a good couple of weeks now. The trails have been pretty decent and will most likely get kinda ugly in the next few weeks. Most of the rides on the weekends start early as everyone still has those "other" resposibilities. If anyone is interested in joining any mtn. bike rides show your typing/internet skills and send some messages or emails and let some of us know (or just me). We are usually on the trails by nine am and put in three hours or so. The furthest that we typically go is about one hour away. Join us soon for "Mud Sweat and Gears".

With this fall season in mind, keep also in mind that when the weather changes so does your maintenance sched. It is a must during these times that you clean your cycle. If you do not take care of your equipment it will not take care of you. Bottom Line........................................................

So...I also want to let you all know that I will most likely be transforming my weekly rides and training into a different schedule and may not see most of you unless it is on the weekends. After 20 yrs or so as a cyclist this time of year presents an obstacle of motivation for me. To continue to hit the streets and pound meaningless pavement just isn't as attractive as bumps, cuts, logs and bruises. Yet another reason to "spice it up".

While the inevitable death of a season passes us yet again, try to avoid the depression of your local city and stay alert with some trail pounding. Who knows you just might find you are a mtn. biker at heart.

Oh yeah....if no one realizes are able to ride a mtn bike completely around the shenango lake resevoir (sp). It is a great loop for this area and can challenge your riding skills a few times. It's no state game lands with groomed trails but it is a place to get your wheels spinning in a different mindset and backdrop. You may have to ride a little pavement if you are seeking to encounter trails in the local area, but that could be a little needed break. Again if you are seeking a little mtn. biking in the local arena and dont know of anything.........just ask!

Enough said..........catch you all next time. Good luck keepin them wheels turnin....



Anonymous said...

So where are you going to ride tomorrow?

My wife wants me to go with her to a business meeting tomorrow. I think something just came up that is more important. I wonder if my work bike/trailer pulling/dog hauling/mountain bike is up to the challenge? One way to find out.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't let me post under my name. I wonder what's up with that?

Harmsway said...

i am not really sure. hmmm...