Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Well, not sure why i'm the one posting this, but here it is . . .

# Rider Names Team Name Cat Lap1 Lap2 Lap3 Lap4 Lap5 Lap6 Lap7 Lap8 Place
102 TRAVIS SAELER/TJ PLATT DIRTY HARRY'S/GARY FISHER MM- 0:46:17 1:30:35 2:15:30 3:00:37 3:46:29 4:33:32 5:25:17 6:13:29 1 Overall Team
129 SCOTT ROOT/EVAN PERRONE DIRTY HARRYS/GARY FISHER/FEARL MM31 0:50:29 1:38:18 2:26:57 3:16:20 4:06:00 4:57:20 5:47:08 6:41:12 2 2nd Place Overall Team
134 MIKE BROWNE/RYAN LABAR DIRT RAG: 2 SAFE DAYS MM- 0:50:18 1:39:12 2:29:23 3:20:06 4:09:59 5:02:24 5:54:52 6:48:39 3 3rd Place Overall Team
117 JASON HARMER/JASON DIURBA TEAM FRED MM31 0:51:50 1:40:06 2:31:25 3:20:40 4:17:11 5:08:02 6:04:57 4
109 BRAD CARBAUGH/JAMIE HUGHEY RED DOOR RACING MM31 0:50:30 1:38:52 2:28:49 3:20:00 4:11:06 5:04:04 6:12:17 5
115 JEFF WALKER/BRANDON FURBER THE 2 GEEZERS MM41 0:51:13 1:41:33 2:32:37 3:25:10 4:23:28 5:17:36 6:18:09 6
141 HARRY SHERRILL/FRANCIS MAGUIRE MT. NITTANY WHEELWORKS MM31 0:54:46 1:47:57 2:40:19 3:35:58 4:30:00 5:27:54 6:21:29 7
111 JOE MORELLO/ROB KLINSHAW SHIFTING GEARS MM31 0:54:21 1:44:54 2:37:59 3:32:58 4:27:56 5:27:30 6:28:06 8
135 CHRIS MICHAELS/COREY KNOWLES SHIFTING GEARS MM- 1:02:06 1:54:42 2:47:12 3:42:50 4:35:07 5:34:09 6:28:10 9
107 MATTHEW TINKEY/CHRIS HUFFMAN SLOWSKIS MM31 0:57:50 1:52:15 2:44:45 3:43:33 4:36:02 5:35:09 6:28:34 10
118 HEATH NEELY/DAVE KRACK NEELKRACK SPEEDGOAT MM31 1:02:09 1:55:44 2:48:33 3:43:16 4:39:02 5:35:30 6:30:10 11
133 EDWARD ROSIPAYK/JIM VREELAND SIGNSANDLOGOS.NET MM41 0:54:42 1:49:01 2:43:30 3:40:11 4:36:56 5:36:27 6:35:09 12
130 A.J. FINKELSTEIN/THOMAS WILBER FAMILY GUYS MM41 0:54:28 1:49:04 2:44:18 3:39:22 4:35:23 5:38:52 6:36:25 13
154 PAULA BITTLER/RYAN GOTCH URBAN GREENSPACE MIX31 0:50:15 1:49:50 2:40:00 3:43:04 4:36:00 5:40:09 6:37:22 14
110 BOB DAHL/JIM YOUNG HOLLYLOFT/FRAME OF MIND TIMERW MM31 0:58:39 1:50:52 2:48:49 3:41:54 4:43:24 5:39:15 6:41:36 15
120 GINO MARTIN/ROBERT LOCHNER BIKE LINE OF GREENSBURG MM- 0:57:11 1:52:36 2:48:58 3:44:52 4:44:10 5:40:43 6:41:38 16
119 DONALD HOSAFLOOZ/AARON TIMBROOK DIRTY HARRY'S MM31 0:55:32 1:52:38 2:47:20 3:46:07 4:41:55 5:43:45 6:42:24 17
150 DESANZO BETH/DESANZO CARMEN ULTIMATE SPORTS MIX- 0:54:48 1:53:14 2:46:31 3:47:06 4:42:59 5:47:21 6:45:54 18
106 PETER MUENCH/TODD HARAN RUBBER SIDE DOWN/PARK AVE BIKE MM31 0:55:46 1:53:16 2:47:09 3:48:29 4:49:53 5:53:48 6:51:09 19
104 SENN ERIC/JEZIORSKI,SCOTT "WOODY" MM31 0:56:36 1:57:26 2:52:05 3:54:00 4:50:23 5:54:54 6:51:39 20
139 NATHAN RAUPP/PETER NUESSLE RED DOOR MM31 0:55:45 1:57:27 2:51:29 3:53:04 4:48:30 5:54:16 6:52:26 21
105 RANDY GALIPO/ADAM REITZ MM31 0:58:42 1:53:56 2:52:39 3:51:07 4:50:44 5:51:57 6:52:33 22
128 CHRIS HONNESS/STEVE WEBER MID LIFE CRISIS MM41 0:57:48 1:56:19 2:51:28 3:52:11 4:51:30 5:52:42 6:53:20 23

you may have to do a little reading between the lines but here are all the times.

Again, Great job all you that road.



Anonymous said...

Let's give credit where credit is due!

I've been reading posts on this blog for the past couple months -- don't ride much anymore but have put in my fair share of miles (crossed the country 3 times now) and I just wanted to say, and I know it's going to make johnny uncomfortable b/c if you know him you know he isn't one to toot his own horn, CONGRATULATIONS!

Congratulations FIRST on the bang-up job you did on this site! I know you've spent a good deal of time on it (and I know you have little free time). For someone that just hopped on a road bike for the first time this year, you sure have embraced the sport.

Congratulation SECONDLY on your somewhat successful attempt to spark a community of cyclists in you area. It is a hard thing to do, and I know how frustrated you get sometimes, but you have to believe it's working.

Congratulatons THIRDLY on you own personal progress. This is the part that is really going to make you uncomfortable, so brace yourself. I've been reading john's post congratulating all the other riders who've competed and road in various events. Now it is your turn, my friend. Unbeknownst to most, john road in 3 century rides all within the month of June. (and John, I bet your dying to know how I know all this stuff). The first ride (mercer county trails ride) he posted a 6:02 -- not bad for a first timer. The second ride (MS 150) he improved to a 5:47 and in his 3rd and final century ride (Tour de Cure) he posted an impressive 5:22! All I can say is "Hell of a job, John, hell of a job."

Well, if you haven't figured out who the hell's writing this, you need to get a clue. I'm sure i'll be getting a call, or some spam sent my way.


Jay C said...

Always nice to have the support of your spouse.

j-mac said...

I obviously need to 'get a clue'. Who the hell is this? You're freakin me out.

And you can hardly say 2WF is successful after last nights debaclery of a ride (if that is in fact a word). And here I thought the MTBers would have liked a nice moderate paced ride after their big race -- NO, 20-24 mph and busted all to hell. Oh well.

I'm going to TRY to make the coffee cruise this Saturday then I'm sitting out for a little while. I'll keep the blog up, but time to see if the shit floats on its own now.

Thanks to everyone that has helped 2WF thus far -- and i'm not talking about the people that just show up for the rides -- i'm talking about people that have actually supported us. Guess I'm feeling a little negative today about the group. Just not feeling people are really interested.

I've never asked for ANY help with anything to do with 2WF, but now I'm just asking for a little encouragement. A little word or two in support of the 2WFs, saying "YES, we enjoy it, keep it going, etc". That is all i'm asking for.

A Saddened & Down-And-Out Freak,


Anonymous said...


I just wanted to throw my 2-cents in. I really appreciate the welcome to your group ride yesterday. I have been in and out of the area riding for years now and yesterday was the first time that I have successfully hooked up with a quality group to ride with. From stopping in at the bike shop and getting the 2WF card from the shop owner (Mike?) to the quick response from Jason when I posted a qestion about the ride, it was very cool. I hope that I didn't add to much to the debaclery (ya, I think it qualifies as a word) last night. Personally, I thought that it was a great ride on beautiful roads, and it was a real pleasure to be riding with you all. I would encourage you to keep up the good work with the group, blog and promotion of local riding and bicycle advocacy...it will pay off! Take care and I look forward to joining you all again.


j-mac said...

CSH (Chad)

Thanks for the support! You are a prime example of what 2WF is all about -- a group of people getting together to share a common love for riding. Sometimes I lose focus. I'm glad to hear that happened last night. Guess I just want to please everyone all the time. Impossible though, isn't it?

Hope you will join us again. Keep checking the blog -- think you can reach it even from VA.


Harmsway said...


Just wanted to say thanks for posting our results on the blog. I was actually going to do something of that nature today, but was busy the previous days trying to get the splits sorted from the results. I have read the blog and the comments of all. I also want to congratulate you on all your accomplishments cycling related and personal as well. This is a difficult sport and you have come a very long way in a very short amount of time. I also would like to thank Chad for coming out to ride with us, and for his words about our ride/group. As always, thanks to Jay Cohen for his .01 cent. I would also like to thank the Anonymous writer for acknowledging John's accomplishments, had I had such an in depth knowledge of all of his results I would have posted a blog about them. Great job on the cyclist that you have become john and as the leader of this group that you have created. As time permits with me, I will do what I can to assist you in getting this group where you (and the group) would like it to go. I am very proud to be out there as a part of 2wf, and would like to see it grow as well.

I will also apologize about the pace of the ride last night, but it seemed as though there were enough people that wanted to get moving, so I went with them and then proceeded to continue to push the pace. I do apologize about that, but will also say that we are still in need of two groups on these rides. Hopefully at some point we may be able to organize this such that there will be no mayhem during the ride. I will lead a ride tomorrow from the park normal time, with a pace determined by those who choose to participate.

again thanks for you hard continual work John. thanks to all you contributors of the blog (that is what it is for), and thanks to all of you who continually show for rides regardless of the outcome.

one note: all group rides that I have ever participated in, ALWAYS blew up. I have never been on a road ride of more than four or five people, that has not blown up. it is just the way it is. So dont feel bad that everyone can't finish together, it is THAT DIFFICULT!

take care all...good riding to all

PB said...

THANK YOU so much for 2WF's! You shouldn't take the fact that we split into 2 or 3 groups as a failure, but rather a success!! It's only natural that the more the group grows the more the need for different paces.

Unless the goal is solely for group growth and not improved pace.

Last night I was tired and couldn't keep the pace, but didn't mind getting dropped. Of course, I was close enough home to know my way too (I do owe thanks to Randy Brown and Jason D. for letting me draft off them for a while).

On another note, is there any interest to meet at DaVanzo's to view the Tour? Since they're expecting us, I should let them know.


j-mac said...

I'm going to be there -- about 8-8:30.

Man, i didn't realize i came off that bad. Cohen just called me to ask if I was on suicide watch.

I'm OK, really.