I'm sitting here finishing my coffee this beautiful Sunday morning at my breakfast table, flipping through the pages of the Sunday Herald, and on the front of the sports page, Lynn Saternow's column regards Floyd Landis and his possible doping in the Tour De France -- no new news there. HOWEVER, as I reached the last couple paragraphs, I was more than just upset, I was INFURIATED by his remarks, and I now quote:

Does it really come as a surprise that Landis may have cheated?
By Lynn Saternow
Herald Sports Editor
OK, somewhere a long the line I must have missed the memo. You know the one I’m talking about.
The memo that says it’s OK to cheat in any sport.
The latest news is that Tour de France champion Floyd Landis cheated to win the cycling event. The International Cycling Union on Saturday said that his “B” sample confirmed the original findings that he had high levels of testosterone in his system.
The most damning report is that his urine showed traces of synthetic testosterone which wasn’t produced naturally.
Landis said he will fight to keep his Tour de France title. Thus far he has used just about every excuse in the book, from taking cortisone shots to drinking beer to thyroid medicine to his body producing the high level of male hormone. What next?
“It must have happened when I shook hands with Barry Bonds!”
Landis, who was supposed to carry the torch for America in cycling after 7-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong retired, is now a disgrace. He was already fired by his Phonak team, which is a pretty good indication that they feel he cheated.
Those of us who have little knowledge of cycling — or even care — wondered about his victory. After leading the race he had a horrible day and dropped back to 11th place. The stories said he now had no chance to win. Then suddenly on the 17th stage he surges to the top again.
Americans love to cheat. People cheat on their income tax; people cheat on their spouses; people cheat at golf. Why? Because we see it all over the sports world and our young people think that it’s the way it should be. It isn’t cheating if you don’t get caught. Of course, the fact that taking steroids might mean you die 30 years before your time should be some deterrent in that area.
But the biggest question isn’t whether he cheated. It’s: Why does America even care about the Tour de France?
Cycling is not exactly a popular sport. Until Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France a few times, nobody knew it existed. Then of course Americans — led by the media — jumped on the bandwagon.
“Hey look at us, our guy’s winning the Tour de France.”
Before you know it, the media was declaring Armstrong as “Male Athlete of the Year.” Give me a break!
You mean to tell me that Lance Armstrong is a better athlete than LeBron James or Hines Ward or even Barry Bonds? The guy rides a bike for goodness sake. Maybe we could name a bowler or golfer or jockey or auto driver next.
We shouldn’t be shocked that Landis apparently cheated. Cycling is one of the dirtiest sports when it comes to doping. The problem is: Other sports are starting to get the same way.
When I was a kid, my dad always harped on me: Cheaters never win! Winners never cheat!
Unfortunately, dad, sometimes they do!
OK, so I've just started cycling this year, and I know zilch about the sport, it's rules, it's history and the professional athletes participating. But i do happen to have a few friends -- Harm, i'm thinking of you now especially -- that I'm sure are more than a little agitated by Mr. Saternow's words right now (and I hope if you're still on vacation the words out of this idiot's mouth didn't ruin it -- maybe just threw you off your kayak). And I know most of you don't know me too well, but I'll share something with you -- I'm a sensitive guy, and my feelings are hurt by this column. I'm angered by this column.
Now, i know there isn't much -if anything- we can do about Landis and whether or not he's guilty of doping. BUT, I do feel there is something we can do about Saternow and his 'doping' -- he's doping his readers with misinformation! In response, i'd like to call all our readers of this blog, to comment or post a 'Letter to the Editor' (Lynn Saternow) which I'd like to then print out and send to the Herald. You could spend just 10 or 15 minutes over a cup of coffee as I'm doing now, and voice your outrage -- b/c I know i'm not the only one with this feeling right now -- I can't be.
My thoughts go on. . . 2WF is also a group trying to promote not only cycling but fitness -- an obvious side-effect of riding. We're all for bike trails along the roadways, for getting out and not just riding but some of us running and swimming as well. (Jimmy L. -- how about that article you emailed me the other week). We're about a mind set -- one that gets us out from in front of the TV or the computer for at least a few hours and gets the heart rate going and the blood pumping. Look around (and here's my Cohen shpiel) at the obesity and the lack of fitness in the area -- columns like Saternow's- attitudes such as the one he's expressed above- are just one of the reasons this area and the people dwelling here look, act and feel the way they do--l et's promote sitting around on our fat asses throwing the blame around (whether it be bridges, Sheetz or cycling).
I don't blame Saternow for his attempts to discredit Armstrong -- it's just a display of his ignorance and narrow-mindedness. It's no surprise he'd pull out sports like Baseball, Football and Basketball-- all of which are played in a matter of hours -- not days -- in between whistles with very little time of actual 'playing'. Sports where 'athletes' accused of doping are slapped on the wrist and suspended a game or two (only when finally proven guilty). Sports where not only dopers but rapist and even murderers are seen as 'top athletes' and glorified on the field/court and deitized off. . .
OK, i'm going to collect my thoughts and compose the rest of this letter to the editor -- hope to hear from the rest of you.
Man oh man...I am at a sincere loss for words. I had a post all written out but am not sure that this display of ignorance is really worth my time. Cycling is alive and well and within the mercer county. This guy just shoved both of his feet in his mouth at the same time, with toe jams. I really cannot fathom that someone is this ignorant about cycling in this area. We have had races here.....is he from outer space? This is not even to touch the surface....but I am going to really need to be precise on this one......
more to come, and i really hope that i hear from some other people on the blog about this one, cuz if you on two wheels and not offended by this.....wow, i would be amazed!
will post soon....
Anyone who reads the Herald already knows Saternow's views and ignorance of the facts. My youngest son always called Saternow's column "The Butthead Chronicles". Saternow loves to try to infuriate the readers. I think some editorials in response would be a good idea.
I'm reading this all quickly and will need to review again when I'm not so tired from the mountain bike ride today. I'm sure if we bikers weren't just pseudo athletes I'd not be so tired.....OR..... Perhaps I should invite the "fit" Mr. Saternow out for a ride and see if he can keep up with us??? Any response I'd give would only be given if I'd be sure it would highlight his ignorance! He's the biggest DOPE of all.
I've thought about this some more and will definately write a response to Mr. Saternow. We should be careful, as advocates of fitness, not to follow his footsteps and discredit other sports just to promote ours. He may wish he wasn't so stupid when this is all over.
Oh, I can feel the love here! Glad to see so much passion -- I knew I wasn't the only one feeling just a little 'piturbed' by Mr. Saternow. And I agree with you PB, and I didn't want to discredit any of the other sports he mentioned (b/c I've participated in most of them a lot longer than I've road biked) but the guy just went too far. I know he's infamous for pissing people off, but hey, it's nice to get the blood pumping while NOT on the bike sometime, and he's done it.
Here's a rough draft of my letter to editor. Corrections and comments welcome:
Mr. Saternow,
If cycling is such a non-sport then why is it a part of the Ironman Competition?
I was offended and disappointed that our local sports writer discredited Lance Armstrong and the sport of cycling.
Floyd Landis or any athlete that may have artificially achieved are extremely disappointing. Perhaps it's an indicator of the pressure that comes with high stakes competition. However, WHY would you mix these failures and mistakes with the grand achievements of others?
While I agree with you that LeBron James would make a great "Sportsman of the Year" candidate, I am sure Lance Armstrong deserves this title bestowed upon him more than once! He did, after all, overcome cancer to return to the international racing scene and honor his country with seven straight wins in the Tour de France. At least the writers and editors of Sports Illustrated agree.
Different sports vary greatly in amounts of fitness, strength and stamina required. I would argue that cycling takes a large amount of all of these when you ride at Lance Armstrong's level.
I was told that you intentionally incite people and I hesitated to respond. I was also told that many people don't read your column due to your lack of credibility. Then I decided that as a member of our local media you have an obligation to make the Shenango Valley a better place. I believe that cycling and all sports do that. I challenge you to learn what it takes to be a high-level competitor at any of these. Actually, I challenge you to join me for a bike ride.
Paula Bittler
That's great Paula, You have tactfully put into words what we all are feeling right now. It would be fun if he took you up on the bike ride. Let us know when and where. We want to be there too.
yeah i dare him to join you for a bike ride. he couldn't stay with you had someone thrown a motor on the bike for him. this guy is a waste of all our time. but rest assured just as Floyd did, he will get every cent that is comin his way.......
way to go dunce!
if this guy knew about the benefits of cycling he would be on it.....cause his face sure needs it.....thanks for posting that photo
yeah i want to be there too....i got a couple of long bike pumps that fit really well into the front wheels of derserving persons......
JM your Cohen shpiel is right on. Its just another example of this areas "small town small mind" mindset. That anything different, probably the wrong choice of words,is something to be ridiculed or derided. Another reason why this area is behind the times in everything from health care, to jobs,to pay.
Saternow does voice the narrow minded opinions of some poeple in this area. It is sad that armchair quarterbacks like Saternow would go around bashing any sport (unless he is looking to stir the pot and get people to respond to his comments). There are people in this area that think that sitting around and watching football all winter, eating wings, nachos, and pizza is an "athletic event". They are too narrow minded to realize there are other grueling competitions taking place all over the world. Tell Lynn that I guess if they don't place bets in Vegas on it, it can't truly be a sport. I think he needs to get off his saggy A$$ and sign up for a century and report to his readers if cycling truly is an athletic competition. This is why I don't read the Herald or watch much TV.
I have been watching the Herald every day and I haven't seen anything on the editorial page about Saternow's article. Did the letters not get sent or is the Herald just not printing them?
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