Saturday, 9/16.
Pedal the Lakes.
Greenville, Penn.
Just across the state line find a
full-service tour in the beautiful Western Pennsylvania Amish countryside featuring four lakes—including one where the ducks walk on the fish!
Routes of 32/62/100 miles will be offered.
Proceeds benefit Mercer County Trails Association, Inc. which is
establishing multi-use recreational trails in the Mercer County area.
MCTA – Stephen Theiss; (724)342-2520.
Application and details can be found at www.mctrails.org
Event deadline: Pre-registration by Sunday, September 3rd, 2006 $15.00
Registration Sunday, September 3rd, 2006 and after $20.00
Contact Information:
Name: Stephen Theiss
Address: 91 Jefferson Avenue
City/State/ZIP: Sharon, PA 16146-3304
Telephone (include Area Code): (724)342-2520
Email: hamxguy@infonline.net
Web Site URL: www.mctrails.org
Do you have a financial interest in this event???
Does the route pass Cottage Gardens during their year end 50% off sale?
Wait, your girls are selling Gatorade along the route to finance their college education, as dad is spending their money on Ebay to support his cycling habit(not that I see anything wrong with that).......
You have time, email Lynn, maybe he'll plug the ride in his next column, since none of the 2WF's put together a response, some talk the talk, others walk the walk.
I'm going to go.
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