Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ground Control to Major "John"

Can you hear me Major John, can you hear me Major John.....?

Where the heck is he at? Did he fly the coop? Well in any case wherever you are I hope that you are shiny side up and dirty side down. Umm.....I just wanted to let all who check this out that we will meet in the park tonight at same time and place as usuall. We will traverse the city a little and get out towards the New Wilmington area. As we had experienced on Tuesday, I am planning to get a couple hills in the ride. There are a few road races in the near future that some of us are planning to participate in and I would just like to offer some terrain to challenge everyone to get them ready for those events.

Hope to see many of you tonight.....! Have a great day.

nosaj remrah


Jay C said...

John is on 14 day vacation with family.


Harmsway said...

word up...and thanks Jay

PB said...

See ya tonight.

Harmsway said...

i am so glad that you will be there PB & J. we missed you on tuesday. we had a great ride and really wished that you would have joined us. well we will be just as excited to have you this evening. will you perhaps be able to join Jason and I in celebrating his 33rd birthday tonight? we would luv that as well. Also, anyone who would be interested in stopping by La Isla after the ride or at your convienence could do so, to wish Jason Diurba a Happy 33rd Birthday! I am sure it will be a time that you would not want to miss, and he would love you to stop in and give him some luv!

see ya later,
