Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Saturday's ride - 8/26 @ Park 7:15 AM

We did 75ish last week, great ride. I'm thinking Camp Ground Rd to Pulaski, 208 to New Wilmington, coffee, 158 to Mercer, 258 home. Should be about 45-50, some rolling hills, casual pace, 13-16 mph.



Kelly Carrier-Bianco said...

Jay, That sounds awesome, but I rode Campground road the other day and it was tar & chipped on portions. It was tough getting up the hills.

Jay C said...

Forget that route, we'll come up with another. Thanks for the update and good job getting out. You were on you're bike, not in your car with a honey out parking???!!!

Kelly Carrier-Bianco said...

Well lately the bike is treating me better than the honey's! (other than an occasional flat)But I haven't given up on them!

John said...

Sometimes you have to spend some time with your honey when you would really like to be riding. I had planned on going riding last night but when my wife got home from work she wanted me to go with her to run some errands and stuff. I'll ride today but it's not the same as riding with the group.

Anonymous said...

The Brown's are running the 5K at Dc. Piston. Have to take a rain check on ride this week. Hope to see you all next week.