Thursday, August 17, 2006


hey all sorry to post this so late, but i have responsibilities that i have to neglect. i mean....ummm.....well ya know, i think that i forgot. o.k. sorry......i will meet up with anyone that would like to ride this evening at the park at the usual time. I have no route in mind for this evening but am up for anything. we will determine all this by who shows to turn it out.

again, does anyone have an interest in going to the race at Mill Creek Park on sunday? please let me know at your convienence.

talk to you all soon......



John said...

Well did you go to the race? How was it? I would have liked to have gone to watch but already had plans (went camping/biking/swimming @ Shenango) Ran into a cute triathalete that was also camping out there this weekend with her family.


Harmsway said...

no race for me, have had a good four day sickness under my halo. i would have like to have watched as well...just to sick. thanks for the inquiry...who is the...well good to hear that others partake in shenango as well.


John said...

It was AmyJavens, I didn't even recognize her without her bike helmet but I saw her license plate bracket on her car said "swim bike run". Nice family.